Alashiyan economy

Published 14 November 2024 by Chris Rosser | 2 min read


Coinage varies across Alashiya, with money typically concentrated in urban settlements with well-established market economies.

Individual city-states are responsible for minting their own coins, and there is much regional variation across the islands regarding the size, metal content, and value. Generally, however, the city-states have agreed upon the talent (equivalent to 57 pounds of silver) as the basis on which the currencies are minted and exchanged.

Most city-states mandate by law that merchants can only use locally minted currency, which has created a thriving market for moneychangers — the regulation of which varies from city to city.

Obol11/61/6001/36000Copper coin
Drachma611/1001/6000Bronze coin
Mina60010011/600Silver coin
Talent360006000600157 lbs of silver

The most circulated coins are the obol and drachma, with the mina used only by merchants, moneylenders and governments. The talent is rarely minted, and when done so is typically done as an ingot or trade bar.

Wages and salaries

Wages are typically paid in drachma, calculated daily, and at the employer’s discretion. For example, an unskilled labourer would be paid at the end of each day, while those on government payroll are usually paid by the month.

Unskilled labourer1/2 drachma
Skilled worker2 drachma
Masters craftsman6 drachma
Physician12 drachma

Costs of living

Costs vary across Alashiya based on availability and scarcity, wages, taxes, and tariffs. Locally produced goods are the cheapest, with imported goods priced at a premium due to the expense of transport and local duties.

Most city-states attempt to regulate or subsidise the staples of life (bread, olive oil, and beer) to prevent civil unrest. Bread is typically produced in state-run bakeries. In good times, a loaf of bread (1 lb) sells for 1 obol across the archipelago.


Commodities are priced and sold by dry volume. At wholesale, goods are priced and transported by the medimnos (50 litres), and sold to consumers in more manageable hekteus (8 litres) jars. More valuable commodities, such as spices are priced and sold by the xestēs (0.5 litres).

Wheathekteus16 obol
Cumin, refinedxestēs
Pepper, refinedxestēs

Food and staples

Bread, common1 obol
Bread, refined1 drachma
Lamb, slaughtered8 drachma
Mutton2 drachma
Olive oil, 1 gallon5 drachma
Beer, pint
